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St. George

16 Mar

As many of you know, George took the position as lead Pastor at St. George Church of God in St. George, SC a few weeks ago. Our life has most definitely gotten more hectic since then but we could not be happier! The people at St. George are wonderful and the days that we are not there, we are biting tooth and nail to return. As of right now, we make the 90 minute commute on Thursdays, return late Thursday night and drive back up Sunday morning and return that night. Yes, we are learning that sleep is not all that important (haha!) and the extra miles we are putting on our car are worth it all! This has been George and I’s prayer for many years that He would open up doors for us to broaden our ministry and open up a Church that is yearning for Him with a deeper passion and to give George the words and let him be the best Pastor that he can be. We are both in awe of what God has entrusted us with thus far and have very high hopes for the people and ministry in St. George, and the surrounding areas, and believe that through God, all things are possible. I cannot wait to see what our future holds as a family and as leaders at St. George Church of God.


2 Mar

Dont ask me why, but ever since I was a little girl I knew, deep down, that I would be a Pastor’s wife one day. I dont know if this was because I was around one- my Grandma- so much, or just because something inside of me knew that was my destiny… or calling. I also remember thinking the whole time while George and I were dating that he would be a Pastor. Now, I am not saying that I would, or could, not be happy not being a Pastors wife, or not having a husband as a Pastor, but I just believed these things early on. And I know that being a Pastor, or Pastor’s wife, may not be of importance to some, but to me, it is! I am tearing up writing this because as I sit here, I now am, I am a Pastor’s wife. My husband is a Pastor. WOW!!

What a big responsibility we have now. Not that we didnt before…. but now… it’s intensified!

I am greatful for where God has planted us for this season and cannot wait to see what He has in store for us!!

George, the Chef!

9 Feb

So, I have started working part-time in the evenings after George gets home a few nights a week. Well, I usually cook dinner for my family before I leave, but in some case, I either dont have time, know that they can find something to reheat, or, in last nights case, figured George could handle putting together some grilled cheeses for him and the kiddos. In the past (almost) 6 years that my hubby and I have been married, I can really only count on one hand how many times he has cooked dinner. And one of those times was heating up a pizza (which was a HUGE deal to him because he took MANY pictures of this and made it seem like he had just prepared a gourmet meal!) and the other few times he has fixed grilled cheese. At no point, do I ever recall him fixing anything that required much effort. Oh, wait, I am now recalling a faint, distant, very distant, memory of him making spaghetti one evening when I was working late. I was super proud of him for this LARGE accomplishment and the lack of meat in the spaghetti sauce! HAHA

 Well, I say all this so that I can let you view the pictures of George’s “Gourmet” meal that he had to fix for himself and the kids last night…

Man, if I had a more talented husband I just don’t know what I would do with myself!! 🙂

P.S. I love you babe, and thanks for the well-balanced meal you prepared our kids last night! Your the best! :0)

Coffee-Mate Party Recap

5 Feb

Last night was my Coffee-Mate Free Flavor Friday party that I had blogged about hosting a week or so ago. It went great! The coffee, fingerfoods, and conversations were wonderful. Everyone seemed to really enjoy the coffee and maybe perhaps, with the help of Coffee-Mate creamer, I may have converted some from the ordinary milk and sugar creamer.

Thanks to all that came and to Coffee-Mate for the great experience!

Below are a mix of pictures from my camera and from Teresa Burke of Teresa Burke Photography. I must say, she did a MUCH better job of taking pics! 🙂 


As of March, 3, 2011, Coffee-Mate’s Facebook Page has been updated to include pics of the Free Flavor Friday Event. Go here to check out all the great Coffee-Mate inspired events (Including mine)!

Five Years— Gabriel Tallmage

2 Dec

Today, December 2nd marks five years since George and I lost our first son. Many of you know the story… some of you do not. Sometimes it helps me to tell it so I am going to share it with those of you who don’t… it also allows me to recognize such an important person in my life…

On December 1, 2005, I went into my OBGYN for a regular 14-week check-up and ultrasound on George and I’s first child. George was not able to go with me to this appt b/c he was hard at work. I went in, just expecting a normal checkup and found out that our little bambino had passed away. I of course was a basket case and was told that since I was in my second trimester (barely!) that I would have to deliver the baby. I would have to be induced into labor and go through labor and deliver… only my baby would not be able to move, or breath, or look at me. 

The doctor’s told me I could choose when I wanted to enter the hospital and start the meds that would induce my labor…

I walked outside the doctors office, got in my car and called George. By this time it was well after 5pm and he was still at work… 30-45 minutes away from the doctors office. I called him… balling… he couldnt understand me much but finally got the drift. He knew that I was in no shape to drive and called my parents and his mom. They all rushed up to the dr’s office and cried with me until George got there to drive me home.

The next few hours are still sort of a blur but I remember tons of people coming over to say how sorry they were and sit with me. I dont remember really talking to anyone… I’m sure George did all that for me. George and I made the decision to go to the hospital the next day, December 2nd, to induce labor.

The following morning we went into the hospital and at 8:30 that night Gabriel Alexander Tallmage arrived. He was only a few ounces and just 11.5 centemeters long. I remember not knowing for sure if I would want to see him (mind you, we did not know the sex until he arrived) because I did not want to look at something that may not be developed enough… but he was. He was all legs… really long legs, tiny features and perfect. Just too early and too small!

The doctor that delivered him allowed us to hold him for a while. I am glad that I was able to spend time with him. Even if he couldnt go home with his parents, he was still mine, my little perfect angel that God just wanted to have up in Heaven with Him.

Our family got to see him as well… and hold him if they wanted. George and I chose to let them see him away from us.

What’s funny is that when Dr. Norton said he was a boy, I wasnt surprised. I knew all along he was a boy… and George and I already had his name picked out almost from the very minute we found out I was pregnant. I wanted to name him Gabriel after my Dad and stepmoms son that passed away… pretty much the same way that my Gabriel did… except my stepmom, Heather, was much farther along in her pregnancy. George wanted a strong middle name so we chose Alexander.

I remember after he was born, George and I discussed if we wanted to save that name for another baby or still give it to him. Without much hesitation, we knew it was always his name…

We had Gabriel cremmated. I could not bare having him barried because then I wouldnt want to move away from Beaufort. He was placed in a perfect tiny urn with white doves on it.

I know now that everything happens for a reason and although 5 years ago was by far the worst struggle and saddness I have ever had to bare… God allowed it to happen to George and I for a reason. And without Gabriel, I would not have Peyton. I also believe that now… because of Gabriel… I appreciate my children more. And it strengthened George and I’s relationship as well!

Everything happens for a reason….

Growing Up Too Fast

30 Nov

Peyton will be 4 years old in January and I CANNOT believe my little boy will be that old! He constantly amazes me and makes me laugh. Today though, was a happy but sad day.

Everyday and everynight I tuck him in to his bed, whether it be for naptime or nighttime. I always go into his room, he will crawl into his bed, I’ll cover him up and give him lots of kisses before I leave his room. Today though was different. Today, I was in the kitchen and he walked up to me, I guess sensing that I was fixing to make him go lay down for a nap, and he said, “Okay, I’m going to go lay down now. Love you mom!” WHAT?!?!?!?! NOOOO!!!! I am coming in there…. I am going to cover you up. I am going to give you lots of kisses until you are laughing. I am going to close your door. ME!!! I almost… or maybe I did… have a minor freakout in my head! He has to still need me. He has to still want me to tuck him in. He has to still want me to kiss him goodnight. He is TOO YOUNG to start not wanting his mommy to do everything for him!!

After he laughed at me and said, “Mom, come in my room after I cover up.” I said Phew, okay.. at least he still wants me to kiss him before he goes to sleep. I can deal with him wanting to cover himself up.  That was a little bit of a relief… however, tomorrow is he going to want me to stop kissing him? To stop fixing him food? To stop putting his shoes on? Gosh…. I want him to grow up.. but not THIS fast!! He will always be my little baby boy.. even when he is married with two kids of his own… do you think I could still drive to his house everynight and tuck him in then… when he’s 30? (LOL… maybe I won’t go THAT far… maybe…)

Maybe he just wanted to make me laugh… which he always does. But maybe he too is growing up overnight…. becoming the little boy and little man that I pray for each day… maybe it is time for me not to freak out when he does these “little” growing up things and just thank God that he can do these things! But I’m telling you… when he doesnt want me to give him a goodnight kiss anymore… you might as well admit me into a psych ward…. I can only take so much growing up! 🙂

Thankful For #6 through Infininity

30 Nov

Okay… I did not post daily like I planned with my “Thankful For’s”. Partly because I was way too excited for Thanksgiving and got caught up with cooking and baking. And partly because I would sit down to post and have so much but nothing at the same time… if that makes any sense. So, I am just going to give a list of things that come to my mind at this very moment that I am thankful for. This is in NO WAY everything that I am thankful for…. I could never begin to be done being thankful… But here goes….

#6: I am thankful that I had children young.

#7: I am thankful for great parents and siblings.

#8: I am thankful for struggles… Now, I am not thankful for these while I am in the middle of them, but having gone through plenty of struggles… afterwards, the knowledge I gain from these struggles, makes me thankful.

#9: I am thankful for my health and my families health.

#10: I am thankful for great friends… although I myself, am not the best friend a person can have… I still am very thankful for those friends that endure me! 🙂

10 Thankful For’s seems like a good place to end… still NOWHERE close to everything that I am thankful for!!

Thankful For #4

21 Nov

I am thankful for being able to be a Stay-at-home-mom!

I have been able to be a stay at home for about 4 months now and it is wonderful! Being a SAHM has always been a dream of mine since Peyton was born but my husband and I did not know how we would be able to make it happen. After praying about it… we took the plunge… and have been making it ever sense… it is purely a God thing!

With me being a SAHM I not only get to be here every minute of the day for my children and family, but I also have more time to devote to my devotion times and such. I have witnessed not only more time to spend with God, but also my growth in my faith by being able to do so. I am truly blessed to be able to serve my family and God by being a SAHM!

Thankful For #3

20 Nov

I am thankful for my two beautiful children!


I know that my last 3 “Thankful For”‘s have been what most people are thankful for… but I cannot be more thankful for these things! My children are a beautiful and wonderful blessing to me. I am very blessed to be able to stay at home with them and rear them the way that George and I would see fit. Peyton and Julianna amaze me daily. They keep me laughing and smiling (and sometimes screaming!) daily. I can be having a horrible day but then just look down at them and be instantly cheered up. And although they both look like there father, they are still the greatest creation that God has blessed me with.

Thankful For #2

19 Nov

I am thankful for a wonderful husband!


On my second day of Thanks, I am thankful for a wonderful, supportive and hardworking husband. George Tallmage is a great husband, father and leader! He has allowed me to be able to stay at home with our children while he provides for us while being a full-time employee doing school maintenance and going through his ministerial process to become an ordained minister. I could not ask for a better husband or father to my chidren!!